Contributions from assited human reproduction techniques' socio-legal research to the legislative field


  • Marisa Herrera
  • Natalia de la Torre
  • Marisa Scardino

Palabras clave:

Assisted human reproduction, Socio-legal research, Legal reform


This paper’s intention is to share some of the main results of two field-based research projects regarding assisted human reproduction practices in Argentina. Both projects have been developed in a dynamic legislative context involving medical coverage regulation, parentage determination and the right to know one's origins for children born with third party genetic material. Also, in this context, the Draft Civil and Commercial Code reform introduced two figures that were then removed in the parliamentary debate: post mortem fertilization and surrogate motherhood. All these issues concerning the use of assisted human reproduction challenge the legal field and are addressed in these research projects, one of them more from an explorative perspective and the other from a qualitative one. Therefore, this article aims to introduce some of the measured variables and the findings obtained to serve as relevant contributions to achieve a more appropriate legislation according with the medical and social reality.


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Biografía del autor/a

Marisa Herrera

Doctora en Derecho. Investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Profesora Adjunta Regular de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad ed Buenos Aires.

Natalia de la Torre

Abogada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Prof. de Filosofía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. 

Marisa Scardino

Socióloga de la Universidad de Buenos Aires




Cómo citar

Herrera, M., de la Torre, N. y Scardino, M. (2017) «Contributions from assited human reproduction techniques’ socio-legal research to the legislative field», Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 7(1), pp. 97–124. Disponible en: (Accedido: 29 marzo 2025).

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