Combating (child) human trafficking

A challenge between repression tools and detection of vulnerability




Child human trafficking, vulnerability, children’s rights, sexual exploitation, crime, institutional actors, social actors


The aim of this article is to reconceptualise the notion of child trafficking by seeking to understand child vulnerability and agency. The research approach focuses on criminal judgements pronounced in Italian courts and assesses how institutional interpretations support perceptions of vulnerability or agency that are often promoted or defined by criminal law perspectives. The attempt is to investigate human trafficking both as a multifaceted phenomenon and as a process to link together the functioning of elements of the human trafficking system that as a prism assumes different shapes in a growing complexity.


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Author Biography

Deborah De Felice, University of Catania

Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy. Email address:


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28-06-2021 — Updated on 22-12-2021

How to Cite

De Felice, D. (2021) “Combating (child) human trafficking: A challenge between repression tools and detection of vulnerability”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 11(6(S), pp. S323-S351. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1206.