Sobre a Revista

A Oñati Socio-Legal Series (ISSN 2079-5971) é uma revista internacional on-line, revisada por pares, que publica trabalhos no campo do direito e da sociedade. Isso é definido de forma ampla para incluir trabalhos que contribuam significativamente para a compreensão e a análise do direito como um conjunto de instituições, processos, práticas ou técnicas sociais, usando quaisquer metodologias e abordagens das ciências sociais e humanas. A Oñati Socio-Legal Series é de propriedade e publicada pelo Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law.


Oñati Socio-Legal Series receives a JIF for the first time and improves its metrics in the Web of Science


Clarivate has released the Journal Citation Reports on 28 June. This year for the first time, more than 9,000 quality journals from more than 3,000 publishers, including Oñati Socio-legal Series, have received a Journal Impact Factor for the first time. Oñati Socio-Legal Series has been constantly improving its performance on Clarivate's Web of Science database. It has received a JIF of 0.5 and it has moved up to the Q2 quartile according to the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI), ranking 177 of 411 Law journals.

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Edição Atual

v. 14 n. S1 (2024): Social dialogue and labour policy concertation policies as instruments of change
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