Life in the LimitS
disappearance, life, limits, zone of indeterminationAbstract
Life and death have been in the center of research on disappearance; disappearance is actually an unknown on those states: are they alive? Are they dead? Those unknowns are interwoven in a process where life and death constitute no longer a dichotomy and we find today a bigger zone of indetermination between them. In this text we reflect about the definition of life and death and about the production of that zone of indetermination that is today inhabited, we consider, by a larger number of subjects. For the analysis of those zones of indetermination we make use mainly of works by other scholars that have analyzed either life in spaces of enforced disappearance or studied life in situations of vulnerability and abandonment. This reflection allows us to open the question of life when it is pushed to the limits which, we argue, it is the form of life of disappearance.
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Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers CSO2015-66318-P