Perpetrators or Preventers?

The Double Role of Corporations in Child Trafficking in a Global Context


  • Silvia Rodríguez-López Universidade da Coruña


Mots-clés :

Child trafficking, Corporate liability, Exploitation, Corporate Social Responsibility


In recent years, the engagement of corporations in child trafficking has become a matter of growing importance. Many corporations have adopted global subcontracting systems and complex structures that boost their productivity and profits, but might also create more opportunities for trafficking and exploitation of both adults and children. Taking this context into account, the ways in which corporations can commit child trafficking will be explored and exemplified to highlight their diversity. This paper also offers a brief overview of the response given by international and European anti-trafficking instruments concerning corporate criminal liability for child trafficking. Moreover, the mechanisms adopted by some companies to prevent trafficking and promote transparency within their supply chains will also be addressed. Overall, this paper aims to illustrate the pivotal role of corporations from two perspectives: as potential perpetrators of this serious crime, and as necessary actors to prevent it.


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Comment citer

Rodríguez-López, S. (2018) « Perpetrators or Preventers? : The Double Role of Corporations in Child Trafficking in a Global Context », Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(1), p. 145–164. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0919.

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