Engaging with court research: The case of French terror trials





Empirical court research, terrorism, multi-disciplinary research, French criminal prosecution


Transnational legal research often tends to overlook the local management of justice. It often moves too quickly from the local to the trans/global level, without taking the necessary time to investigate local practices. In addressing this research gap, my aim is to “re-localize“ studies within their geographical context and analyze the trans/national dynamics from within, using a bottom-up approach based on ethnography. This article presents a prolonged ethnography carried between 2017 and 2022 within French terrorism courts by a multidisciplinary team. The article provides an overview of the methodology, highlights the key finding, and offers a methodological framework for future empirical court studies, with the intention of supporting researchers in their future studies.



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Author Biography

Sharon Weill, The American University of Paris/Sciences Po

Dr. Sharon Weill. Associate Professor, The American University of Paris/Senior lecturer, Sciences Po Paris (PSIA). Email address: sweill@aup.edu


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13-11-2023 — Updated on 20-12-2023

How to Cite

Weill, S. (2023) “Engaging with court research: The case of French terror trials”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(S1), pp. S225-S251. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1732.