Same-sex marriage as a human right: How the Strasbourg Court could draw inspiration from the US Supreme Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to affirm marriage equality




Private and family life, human rights, same-sex marriage, European Court of Human Rights, Supreme Court of the United States, Inter-American Court of Human Rights


In the last fifteen years, the European Court, the US Supreme Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have all ruled on the issue of same-sex marriage. The Strasbourg Court has not, at this stage, dared to affirm the right to marriage, unlike its (inter)American counterparts. The article proposes a comparative analysis of the decisions rendered by the three jurisdictions: it highlights, beyond the (obvious and indisputable) differences between the three legal orders, the similar issues – of applicability, proportionality and subsidiarity – with which the judges responsible for ensuring respect for human rights are confronted. As the analysis also reveals, these issues are sometimes hotly debated within the courts themselves, while their understanding can be enriched by inter-jurisdictional dialogue. In conclusion, it is argued that, with regard to the recognition and protection of same-sex couples, the European Court should draw inspiration from American experiences and (1) clearly (re)affirm that the right to marry (art. 12 ECHR) applies to same-sex couples (2) mobilise the full potential of the prohibition of discrimination (art. 14 ECHR) and (3) move away from strict adherence to the European consensus rule.


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Author Biography

Geoffrey Willems, Catholic University of Louvain

Geoffrey Willems is Professor of Family Law at UCLouvain. Since his PhD thesis defended in 2014, he has specialized in international and comparative family law. He has been a visiting scholar in the UK and the US and is particularly interested in how human rights judges influence family law. He has led major collaborative research projects, including an international project on adult-child relationships (Adults and Children in postmodern Societies, Intersentia, 2019) and - most recently - a project on the leading cases on the right to respect for family life (Les grands arrêts du droit au respect de la vie familiale, Larcier, 2022). Since 2020, he is Vice-Dean of the UCLouvain law faculty.  


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How to Cite

Willems, G. (2024) “Same-sex marriage as a human right: How the Strasbourg Court could draw inspiration from the US Supreme Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to affirm marriage equality”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(1), pp. 176–212. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1347.