Towards a Functional Socio-Legal Classification of the Legal Norms for the Regulatory Effectiveness Analysis
Laws, legislative effectiveness, classification of laws, socio-legal analysisLaburpena
The article presents a proposal for the classification of laws, which taking into account the postulates of the sociology of law seeks to be functional to the analysis of legislative effectiveness. We start from the hypothesis establishes that the diversity of norms and, specifically, laws issued by a State can under the theoretical framework of the sociology of law be systematized under functional criteria of effectiveness. For this, our research starts from the current context of the State and its regulatory capacity and ends with a proposal of a socio-legal classification of laws. In our study we expose and examine the usefulness of a functional classification of the laws, the socio-legal approach as a theoretical framework for this classification, the aspects of the legislative process that are inherent to an effectiveness analysis, and the known classifications from law and political science on legal norms and regulatory effectiveness. In the end of the work we present an alternative classification.
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