About the Journal
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies (ISSN 1988-0847) (http://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/index) is an Open Access journal of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL), established by the Research Committee of Sociology of Law (RCSL) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), and the government of the Basque Country. Sortuz is a 100% open access journal that relies on double blind peer review to ensure the quality of the work that it publishes; read more about our review policy in the Author guidelines section. The call for individual papers about socio-legal matters is open all year long. Sortuz also welcomes proposals for special issues by socio-legal scholars from all over the world.
Sortuz seeks to create a virtual, but real space, that strengthens the emerging community around the relations between law and society through the publication of quality research. Indeed, the community of scholars that year by year meet, discuss and grow in IISL facilities may find in this journal an additional chance to share and discuss, their knowledge and findings. However, Sortuz is also meant as a place of meeting to widen the reach of the Oñati community to those who do not have a previous involvement with the IISL, remaining committed as well with the wide and inclusive perspective of socio-legal studies promoted by the IISL.
Sortuz, which means "creation" in Basque, seeks to promote quality, original and emergent socio-legal research among different spaces of knowledge production through its sections:
- Articles: for non-published work in socio-legal research, including working papers, elaborated drafts, and academic papers that spring from tesinas. Submissions are done through this website, and articles can be written in any of the IISL official languages, English, Spanish, Basque, French, plus Portuguese. This is the central axis of Sortuz, which aims to be a platform for young, emergent or junior scholars with little previous experience in publishing to become acquainted with the publishing schemes and, simultaneously, to hone their skills in writing academic articles, without relinquishing the level of demand for quality and proper formal requirements. Well-established, senior scholars are also always welcome to submit their articles. The recommended length is 5000 to 8000 words, including title, abstract, footnotes, and references. We make a distinction between Thematic articles (those submitted in the context of a monographic issue of Sortuz, convened by guest editors) and Individual articles (academic papers about socio-legal topics not included a priori in a monographic issue of Sortuz).
- Translations: articles with an established relevance in the socio-legal field can be considered for translation. This section is meant to increase the communication among different knowledge production spheres. Articles in this section are selected by the Editors, with the advice of the Editorial Board.
- Reviews. Especially welcome are reviews of documents that have recently become part of the IISL's Library Catalogue. The recommended length for book reviews is between 2,000 and 3,000 words. We also welcome reviews of particular issues of other socio-legal journals. These submissions are not sent out to peer review; instead, they are screened by the permanent editorial team, who may give comments to the author.
- Interviews. To socio-legal scholars from all over the world. These submissions are not sent out to peer review; instead, they are screened by the permanent editorial team, who may give comments to the author. As an effort to collaborate to the knowledge dissemination across different production spheres, the Translations section will present translations of already relevant socio-legal articles.
Publication Frequency
Sortuz will publish one volume per year, with issues published biannually. Further special issues can be published.
Issues will be published in April and in November.
Ownership disclosure
Sortuz is owned and published by the Oñati IISL Foundation, a non-profit organization which was established jointly in 1988 by the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL) and the Government of the Basque Country, which nowadays provides most of the funding.
To learn more, please read the IISL's Statutes: http://www.iisj.net/en/about-iisl/statutes-foundation-international-institute-sociology-law-o%C3%B1ati
Open Access Policy
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies is a Diamond Open Access publication and provides immediate open access to all its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Charges
In line with our open policy, Sortuz does not have article processing charges or submission charges of any kind.
Archiving and indexing services
This journal utilizes the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) plugin, developed by PKP to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.
Sortuz is included in the following Abstracting and Indexing services:
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Please read our Privacy Policy here. You may write to legal@iisj.es with any enquiries or to exercise your rights.
Digital archive preservation policy
This journal utilizes the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) plugin, developed by PKP to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access. The LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto on digital preservation is available at the following link: https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/gateway/lockss
Interoperability protocols
This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.
Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
Metadata formats: Dublin Core Metadata: Dublin Core; MARC; MARC21; RFC1807
URL for harvesters: https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/oai