About the Journal

Sortuz (ISSN 1988-0847) seeks to create a virtual, but real space, that strengthens the emerging community around the relations between law and society through the publication of quality research. Indeed, the community of scholars that year by year meet, discuss and grow in IISL facilities may find in this journal an additional chance to share and discuss, their knowledge and findings. However, Sortuz is also meant as a place of meeting to widen the reach of the Oñati community to those who do not have a previous involvement with the IISL, remaining committed as well with the wide and inclusive perspective of socio-legal studies promoted by the IISL.

Sortuz is a 100% open access journal that relies on double blind peer review to ensure the quality of the work that it publishes; read more about our review policy in the Author guidelines section. The call for individual papers about socio-legal matters is open all year long. Sortuz also welcomes proposals for special issues by socio-legal scholars from all over the world.

Sortuz is owned and published by the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law Foundation.


OSLS and Sortuz have published their own style guidelines


OSLS and Sortuz have now their own official house style guidelines compendium, published and available to anyone on each of the journal websites and on the step-by-step submission panel. These guidelines have been developed drawing on the internationally well-known Harvard and APA guidelines, but they also acknowledge the nuance and particular usage of them that contributing authors of both OSLS and Sortuz have made throughout the years.

Read more about OSLS and Sortuz have published their own style guidelines

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): Justicia por crímenes internacionales: Casos locales en contextos globales
					View Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): Justicia por crímenes internacionales: Casos locales en contextos globales

Número editado por Julieta Mira (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Fiammetta Bonfigli (Universidad de Viena).

Published: 11/04/2024
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