The Corporate Citizen and the Sovereign Exception: from 'homo sacer' to 'homo supra'
Corporate citizen, citizenship, state of exception, corporations, regulation, Ciudadano corporativo, ciudadanía, estado de excepción, corporaciones, regulaciónAbstract
This paper is concerned with a concept that has permeated discussions about the corporation in the early 21st century: the “corporate citizen”. The paper uses the liberal understanding of citizenship that involves responsibilities and duties owed to the state on one hand, and the rights guaranteed by the state on the other as its starting point, and applies this dualism to the corporate citizen. Yet the rights and duties applied to corporations are not strictly analogous to the corresponding rights and responsibilities of real flesh and blood citizens. Corporate citizenship implies a set of exceptional powers and privileges that combine to produce homo supra, a paradigmatic “supra-sovereign” subject that is empowered to enjoy sovereign protections and rights far-exceeding those that any ordinary citizen could expect. The paper thus shows how the process of ascribing corporate citizenship has become a key mechanism through which unequal power relations (and attendant privileges of class, gender and race etc.) is guaranteed.
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