Law and Globalization

The ‘multi-sited’ uses of Transitional Justice by indigenous peoples in Colombia (2005-2016)


  • Monica Natalia Acosta Garcia Universidad del Rosario/ Universidad del País Vasco



Transitional Justice, Indigenous Peoples, Uses of Law, Diffusion of Law, Colombia, ONIC


This paper focuses on the link between Transitional Justice (TJ) and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia. The aim is to identify and discuss how Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC) has used and appropriated the Transitional Justice in Colombia during the past 10 years. Thus, the main argument is the Colombian TJ, which is a social process of interactions involving diverse types of agents and multiple levels of law. This implies that Indigenous Peoples have engaged in a TJ from below through multi-sited uses of the discourse. This case study is analysed through a socio-legal and the sociology of social movements approach that articulates Law and globalization perspectives and, the diffusion and uses of law. The action-research perspective, the qualitative approach of ethnography and the methods of non-participant observation and in-depth interviews of some activists and social actors are used. In addition, qualitative content analysis of laws, policy papers, NGOs and indigenous organizations reports.


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Author Biography

Monica Natalia Acosta Garcia, Universidad del Rosario/ Universidad del País Vasco

A Lawyer and an Internationalist with a Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology of Law, Magna Cum Laude. A PhD candidate in Law and Sociology of Law at Universidad del Rosario and Universidad del Pais Vasco. A Junior Researcher and a Lecturer of the educational program “Escuela Intercultural de Diplomacia Indigena” and the Faculty of Law at Universidad del Rosario. Experience in action-research, qualitative and interdisciplinary research with Indigenous Peoples.


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How to Cite

Acosta Garcia, M. N. (2018) “Law and Globalization: The ‘multi-sited’ uses of Transitional Justice by indigenous peoples in Colombia (2005-2016)”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(5), pp. 760–787. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0960.