Community Administration as Cultural Policy
Empowering citizens in Eltzia
Culture policy, Basque Country, Creativity, Diversity, Social integrationAbstract
In the town of Oñati (Basque Country, Spain) we find the community project of Eltzia: a public initiative aimed at enriching local cultural life through the articulation of its creative people. Eltzia is enlightening for having a model of organisation that can be related to the Basque Country’s cooperative movement, but also for showing the benefits of popular participation in culture policymaking. This research explores Eltzia as an example of democratization of cultural policy through the involvement of citizens; an expression of cultural rights that engages with how law is interpreted. Eltzia emerged from a municipal initiative and its creation was influenced by the participation of the local groups and a private company providing mediation services in social processes of community development. The analysis will focus on the contributions that are drawn from Eltzia in relation to the fields of cultural policy and socio-legal studies.
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