The automaton-judge
Some reflections on the future of AI in judicial systems
Artificial Intelligence, judicial decision making, legal certainty, American juridical realismAbstract
Could robots replace judges in decision-making? The remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence bring this possibility closer than ever before. In this article, I will explore the underlying reasons for the success of the idea of using artificial intelligence in the justice field. The argument is that after the crisis of legal formalism, the prospect offered by artificial intelligence represents a nostalgic return to the past: that of a decision-making as a “mechanical” act, free from subjectivity and irrationality. This ideal, after being outdated as early as the last century, is becoming relevant again thanks to the spread of artificial intelligence tools. By reflecting on the potential positive and negative consequences that may arise from implementing computerized decision-making in justice, this article will aim to provide a more realistic understanding of the future of AI in judicial systems.
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