Algunas reflexiones sobre las diferencias de género en las conductas infractoras de niñas y adolescentes en Chile


  • Marcela Pilar Aedo Rivera Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Patricia Varela Pino


Palabras clave:

criminología feminista, delincuencia juvenil, adolescentes infractoras


En este artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre las diferencias de género en las conductas infractoras de niñas y adolescentes a la luz, principalmente, de los hallazgos de un estudio del Programa de Atención Integral Familiar (PAIF) 24 horas de la Subsecretaría de Prevención del Delito de Chile. El marco interpretativo utilizado para la presente reflexión es el de la criminología feminista y desde esta perspectiva se plantea como las niñas y adolescentes han sido históricamente relegadas en los estudios sobre la delincuencia juvenil y la necesidad de incorporar en éstos la estratificación de género en la sociedad patriarcal, especialmente de cara a identificar las diferencias de género existentes en la delincuencia femenina adolescente y su tratamiento.


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Biografía del autor/a

Marcela Pilar Aedo Rivera, Universidad de Valparaíso



Nombres Completo

: Marcela del Pilar Aedo Rivera


: 00569 97438138




: Av. Errázuriz 2120, Valparaíso.




2014: PhD of Public Law and Juridic Philosophy, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.  Títle: Adolescents in the Penal System: when invisibility has a gender. Advisor: Dr. Encarna Bodelón González.

2007: Master in Politic of gender equality. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

2003: Master Criminal Systems and Social Problems. Universidad de Barcelona.

Title of the memoir: Adolescent criminal responsibility systems in Latin America, within the framework of the integral protection of the Fundamental Rights of Adolescent Childhood. Advisor: Dr. Encarna Bodelón González.

2000: Lawyer, License in Legal Sciences from the University of Valparaíso. Chile.



2010-2018 Pr. Faculty of Law of Valparaiso University.  Subjects of Legal Sociology, Criminology, Legal Clinic, Penitentiary Law and Juvenile Justice.

2016: Advisor, Studies Unit, Legal Division Ministry of Justice.

2009: Lawyer of the National Service of Minors (Chile) and of deprived of freedom adolescents of the Vth Region, Chile.

2007-2008: Lawyer in the Legal Guidance Service of Àmbit Dona (NGO that offers social services to Sex Workers). Barcelona.

2007: October and November, interviewer in the study of Monitoring the prevalence of HIV infection and other STIs in women sex workers. Organized by the CEEISCAT-Limit Prevention.

2006: Participation in conducting interviews with single mothers with children in charge in the study "monomarentalidad in Spain: Profiles and Strategies in the framework of Well-being". University of Barcelona. Dr. Elisabet Almeda S.

2005-2006: Collaboration in the coordination of the Gender and Equality Postgraduate course taught by the University of Barcelona. Director Dr. Encarna Bodelón G.

2004-2006: "Study on the Functioning of Non-Deprived Measures of Freedom in the Juvenile Justice System in Catalonia: Analysis of its incidence in the city of Barcelona". Work done within the framework of the Observatory of the Penal System and Human Rights (OSPDH) of the University of Barcelona.

2003-2004: "Data collection, statistical analysis and creation of a database on domestic violence for Administration of Justice in the years 2000, 2001 and 2002". Performed by the Legal Sociology Laboratory of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zaragoza in agreement with the General Judiciary Council. Under the direction of Dr. Manuel Calvo García, University of Saragossa.

2000-2001: Lawyer of the Judicial Assistance Corporation. Public Organization that provides free legal assistance to people with limited resources. Depending on the Ministry of Justice of Chile.

2000-2001: Lawyer of the Project "Defense of the Rights of the Young Offender of the Criminal Law" of the National Service for Minors. Ministry of Justice. Visits to prisons, interviews with inmates in order to prepare the subsequent defense. Chile.


Presentations at Conferences, Seminars and Workshops (a selection of the last three years)

- 2018: "Gender, Public Policies and Juvenile Justice in a Comparative Perspective", presentation made within the activities of the CRIMINAL POLITICS group, of the University Center of Brasilia, February 27, 2018.

- 2017: "Criminal system and its relationship with girls and female offenders", presentation developed in the Seminar, co-organized by the Public Criminal Defense and Regional Ombudsman Northern Metropolitan, Santiago. December 12, 2017.

- "Juvenile Justice in Chile: a feminist analysis", presentation developed in the First Meeting of Criminal and Criminology Women, co-organized by the Law School of the University of Valparaíso, School of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University and the Research Center of Philosophy of Law and Criminal Law, University of Valparaíso. October 20, 2017.

- "The jail and adolescent offenders in Chile", presentation developed in the seminar "The prison as punishment today," organized by the University of Valparaiso, School of Law. May 25, 2017

- Presentation in the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress, on Draft Law on the right of women to a life free of violence. April 4, 2017

- "The possibilities of the social reintegration of people deprived of liberty: from Alessandro Baratta". Presentation at the "Model RNR and knowledge dialogue" seminar, organized by the Center for Local and Regional Development Studies of the University of Los Lagos. March 31, 2017

- Discussion on Draft Law on the right of women to a life free of violence organized by the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality. Presentation on violence against women as a structural phenomenon. January 19, 2017.

- Invited to the Chamber of Deputies to comment on the Draft Law on the right of women to a life free of violence organized by the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity (April 4, 2017).


-2017-2018: Member of the Committee on Gender Perspective in the Penitentiary System, Ministry of Justice.

-2016: XIIIth Chilean Conference on Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile. November 24 and 25. Lecture on Adolescent Infringers and the Problem of the Little Forgotten.

- Second session of the Gender Workshop addressed violence against women. Organized by Fundación Chile 21. Presentation on the challenges and tensions between the Law and Violence against Women. March 18, 2016. Activity information available at (last visit June 12, 2017).

-2015: Discussion forum entitled: "Should the State protect prostitution?", Organized by Izquierda Democrática, April 15 at the Law School of the University of Valparaíso. Paper titled: "Sex work and the State: an analysis from a feminist perspective".

- Legislative Advice Program: the Institute on Equity conducts a workshop on the project of interruption of pregnancy in three causes, in the Chamber of Deputies, Chile. Presentation on the situation of girls in the bill.

- Academic colloquium on the law of adolescent criminal responsibility organized by the Department of Evaluation of the Law. Presentation on the situation of adolescent female offenders and the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Law. Information on the activity available at (last visited June 12, 2017).

- Seminar organized by the Public Prosecutor's Office and Diagnostic Clinical Evaluation Program of Problematic Drug Consumption in Adolescents Lawbreakers (PECD) FRMO -SENDA. November 19, 2015. Presentation: Analysis of Law 20.084 (Juvenile Justice) and its implementation: review of a complex trajectory and pending tasks.

- Inaugural Session of the Congress "Childhood and Adolescence in Conflict with the Criminal Law: Challenges of the 21st Century", Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala City, on September 28, 2015.

- 2015. Visiting Professor at the Penitentiary and Gender Regulation Table of the Ministry of Justice of Chile.

- 2015. Professor invited by the Chamber of Deputies, Commission for the Evaluation of the Law, Analysis of the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Law (June 1, 2015).

- 2015. Professor invited to the Legislative Advisory Program organized by the Equality Institute, Chamber of Deputies. Workshop on Abortion (June 10, 2015).

- 2014-2018. Academic member of the Interinstitutional Commission of Supervision of Youth Law Violator Centers. Vth Region of Valparaíso.



2016-2019. Since her creation, I have been part of the Center for Research in Philosophy of Law and Criminal Law at the University of Valparaiso.

2016-2019. Since its inception, it has been the Equality and Diversity Unit of the University of Valparaiso.





2009-2019. Professor of Legal Sociology, School of Law, University of Valparaiso.

2010-2019: Professor of Adolescent Criminal Law, School of Law, University of Valparaiso.

2016-2019: Professor of Introduction to Criminology and Legal Clinic at the Law School of the University of Valparaíso.

2017-2019: Professor of Penitentiary Law, School of Law, University of Valparaiso.

2015. Classes of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Andrés Bello University (Viña del Mar headquarters). Year 2015.

2007. Class taught in the Degree of Sociology of the University of Barcelona, ​​in the Seminar of Sociology of Criminal Control. Class entitled Alternative Measures and Juvenile Justice. A reductionist or expansionist policy? Full Professor Elisabet Almeda.

2007. Classes taught in the Alternative Instruments Subject (Juridical Consequences of Crime) in the Degree of Criminology of the University of Barcelona. (Full Professor Dr. Sergi Cardenal Montraveta)

2006. Lecture given at the Seminar on Juvenile Justice. University of Barcelona. Full Professor Elisabet Almeda S.

2006. Class taught in the Degree of Criminology of the University of Barcelona, ​​in the course of Victimology. Class Name Victimology: Children and Adolescents.



2012-2018 Professor of the Law and Society subject of the Magister in Law, University of Valparaiso.

2017-2019. Invited Professor of Violence against Women, in the Diploma of Extension, Gender and Violence, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG) - Department of Anthropology, University of Chile.

2018. Professor invited to the Postgraduate Course of the Faculty of Law of the University Center of Brasilia (UNICEUB), organized by the criminal policy and criminology group in Brazil, Europe and Latin America, coordinated by Dr. Bruno Amaral Machado (26 to February 28, 2018)

2017. Teacher invited to the Diploma in Juvenile Penalty, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of  Republic, Uruguay (November 23-28, 2017)

2015-2019. Invited Professor of the Criminal Law Adolescent, in the program of Doctorate in Criminal Law of the University San Carlos of Guatemala.

Extended Activities

2016-2018. Coordinating professor of the workshops for women deprived of freedom in the Penitentiary Complex of Valparaiso.

2018. Coordinating professor of the course of Human Rights with a gender perspective destined for officials of Gendarmerie of Chile, Valparaiso.



2016-2019. Since its creation, I have been a researcher in charge of the Research Center of Philosophy of Law and Criminal Law of the University of Valparaíso.

2016-2019. Since its inception, the Equality and Diversity Unit of the University of Valparaíso has been incorporated.





2009-2019. Professor of Legal Sociology, School of Law, University of Valparaíso.

2010-2019: Professor of Adolescent Criminal Law, School of Law, University of Valparaíso.

2016-2019: Professor of Introduction to Criminology and Legal Clinic at the Law School of the University of Valparaíso.

2017-2019: Prison Law Professor, School of Law, University of Valparaíso.

2015. Criminology classes, Faculty of Law, Andrés Bello University (Viña del Mar headquarters). Year 2015

2007. Class taught in the Sociology Degree at the University of Barcelona, ​​in the Sociology of Criminal Control Seminar. Class entitled Alternative Measures and Juvenile Justice. Reductionist or expansionist policy ?. Full Professor Elisabet Almeda.

2007. Classes taught in the Alternative Instruments Course (Legal Consequences of Crime) in the Criminology Degree at the University of Barcelona. (Full Professor Dr. Sergi Cardenal Montraveta)

2006. Class taught at the Seminar on Juvenile Justice. University of Barcelona. Full Professor Elisabet Almeda S.

2006. Class taught in the Degree in Criminology at the University of Barcelona, ​​in the course of Victimology. Class Titled Victimology: Boys, Girls and Adolescents.


2012-2018 Professor of Law and Society of the Master of Law, University of Valparaíso.

2017-2019 Invited professor of the Violence against Women subject, in the Gender and Violence Extension Diploma, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG) - Department of Anthropology, University of Chile.

2018. Professor invited to the Postgraduate Course, of the Faculty of Law of the University Center of Brasilia (UNICEUB), organized by the group of criminal policy and criminology in Brazil, Europe and Latin America, coordinated by Dr. Bruno Amaral Machado (26 to February 28, 2018)

2017. Professor invited to the Diploma in Juvenile Penalty, of the Faculty of Social Sciences, of the University of the Republic, Uruguay (November 23 to 28, 2017)

2015-2019. Guest professor of the Adolescent Criminal Law Subject, in the Doctorate program in Criminal Law of the San Carlos University of Guatemala.

Extended Activities

2016-2018. Professor coordinator of the Workshops for Women Deprived of Liberty in the Penitentiary Complex of Valparaíso.

2018. Professor coordinator of the Human Rights course with a gender perspective for officers of Gendarmería de Chile, Valparaíso.



- 2018. National expert for the study "Towards a model of penitentiary defense for convicted women deprived of their liberty", financed by Eurosocial and commissioned by the Public Penal Defender of Chile (in press).

- 2018. Researcher in the Gender Diagnostic Study of the Public Ministry, Chile (in press).

- Aedo Rivera, Marcela (2018): "Adolescents deprived of liberty in Chile: some reflections from feminist criminology", in  Antony García,  Carmen (Editor)  "Criminología Feminista", Editons LOM, Santiago (in press). 

- Codoceo, Fernando,  Ampuero, Fernanda, and Aedo, Marcela (Editors) 2018: Prison and violence. The (im)possibilities around social reintegration. Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno.

- Aedo Rivera, Marcela, and Cuneo Nash, Silvio (2018): "The Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Systems in Latin America and 'les 400 coups' de Francois Truffaut: some criminological reflections from the course 'cinema and criminal law' in Valparaíso. In Piza, Evandro, Zackseski, Cristina and  Amaral Machado, Bruno (coordinators) Cinema and Criminology: semantics of punishment. Brasilia: Marcial Pons.

- Aedo Rivera, Marcela (2018): "Juvenile Justice in Chile: a feminist analysis ", in Society and Justice: studies on the criminal justice system, Rodríguez, Ricardo (Editor), México D.F.: Tirant Lo Blanch.

- Aedo, Marcela, and Barrientos, Monserrat (2017): "Public policies in Chile, violence against women and the difficult construction of an adequate response: some reflections in a feminist key ", in The State and women: challenges for gender mainstreaming in Chile. Santiago de Chile: RIL

- Aedo, Marcela, and Collell, Andrea (2017): "Adolescent girls and the juvenile criminal responsibility system in Chile: the problem of the few forgotten ones", in Amaral Machado, Bruno and Pereira, Anderson (coordinators) Juvenile justice: Paradigms and comparative experiences. Brasilia: Marcial Pons.

- (2016): Head of research in "Study of Gender and Socio-delictual Risk Factors in the Comprehensive Family Care Program (PAIF) 24 hours", for the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Ministry of the Interior and Public Security:

- Bodelón, Encarna, and Aedo, Marcela (2015)  "Girls in the criminal justice system", in tAnnals Magazine of the Francisco Suárez Chair, USA, 49, September 2015:




Encarna Bodelón González, Professor of Law Philosophy and Director of the Antigone Research Group, Law Studies with a gender perspective.


Bruno Amaral Machado, Director of the criminal policy and criminology group in Brazil, Europe and Latin America, Faculty of Law of the University Center of Brasilia (UNICEUB).















Patricia Varela Pino

Patricia Varela Pino es socióloga de la Universidad de Chile, candidata a Magister en Estudios de Género por la misma Universidad y posee Diplomados en Estudios de Género y Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas. Cuenta con una amplia trayectoria en investigación aplicada y asesorías a actores públicos en materias de de género. En los últimos años, ha participado en diversos estudios y asesorías para el sector justicia, destacando la asesoría técnica para la elaboración de la Política de Género y No Discriminación del Poder Judicial de Chile y el Diagnóstico de Género del Ministerio Público de Chile.


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Cómo citar

Aedo Rivera, M. P. y Varela Pino, P. (2020) «Algunas reflexiones sobre las diferencias de género en las conductas infractoras de niñas y adolescentes en Chile», Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(1S), p. 218S–239S. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1164.