Introduction: Legal Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and Prospects
Legal education, Central-Eastern Europe, CEE region, law schools, political transitionAbstract
Legal education in Central and Eastern Europe is often criticised for its inefficiency, outdated models of teaching, discrepancy between market needs and educational offer, strong power relations within institutions or distorted professional ethos of academics. Many of the institutional problems seem to stem from the peculiar historical past of the region, including the socialist heritage of higher education. Law is a particularly sensitive discipline in this respect as its education was – and arguably, has still remained – deeply overpoliticized. Although direct political influence ceased after the political transition in 1989, the professional ethos and the power relations of legal academia have hardly changed in the last twenty years. The papers gathered in the OSLS monographic issue Legal Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and Prospects discuss these problems of legal education and propose alternative solutions, which could bring about a change in the field.La educación jurídica de Europa central y oriental es objeto de crítica por su ineficiencia, sus modelos obsoletos de enseñanza, su discrepancia con respecto a las demandas del mercado, las fuertes relaciones de poder en las instituciones y la distorsionada ética profesional de los académicos. Muchos de los problemas institucionales parecen provenir del pasado histórico de la región, incluida la herencia socialista en la educación superior. El Derecho es una disciplina especialmente delicada a este respecto, ya que su enseñanza ha estado -y, probablemente, sigue estando- profundamente politizada. A pesar de la transición política de 1989, la ética profesional y las relaciones de poder que rigen el estrato académico apenas han cambiado en los últimos veinte años. Los artículos reunidos en el monográfico Legal Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and Prospects analizan los problemas de la enseñanza del Derecho y proponen soluciones.
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