“Through Roger Matthews' eyes"
Glimpses of critical and left realist British criminology
Roger Matthews, British socio-criminological academia, academic network, European criminology, Latin-American criminologyAbstract
Roger Matthews was a British criminologist renowned as a left realist. He was a Professor of Criminology at the University of Kent and worked with figures such as Cohen and Young. He was part of the National Deviancy Conference and was there when Taylor, Walton and Young publish “The New Criminology”. Matthews was also one of the founders of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. In this interview, Matthews presented a brief context of British sociocriminological academia in the 1970’s and on. He showed us the academic network between North American and British academics and the rivalry among them. After all that, Matthews still talked about his impressions on European and Latin American Criminology.
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