Vulnerability and ability to exercise one’s rights
The right to free development of personality constitutionally enshrined
vulnerability, autonomy, free development of personalityAbstract
We intended to discuss the relationship between the right to the free development of personality constitutionally enshrined and the conditions placed by specific situations of vulnerability to the exercise of fundamental rights. Vulnerability appears as a transversal and universal phenomenon, episodic or permanent. The reflection and legal intervention on vulnerability are thus justified as a view of respecting human dignity and of promoting values such as autonomy, health, physical or mental integrity. The respect for the different personal needs precludes normalization and imposes the substitution of the medical model for a social model of vulnerability. This results in an eventually generic duty of care committed to the State, which – in a non-paternalistic way – must deal with situations of discriminatory imbalance (eg people with disabilities, but also children or the elderly), requiring the analysis of the specific problems of vulnerable groups that demand consideration specific to the principle of equality.
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