Hate crime, policing, and the deployment of racial and cultural diversity


  • Timothy Bryan Dalhousie University




Hate crime, policing, race and diversity


This paper examines how diversity is mobilized and deployed as a form of hate crime response in the York Regional Police Service, and how commitments to racial and cultural diversity embedded in the framework of hate crime policy are interpreted by police officers engaged in the frontline policing of hate crimes. Hate crime policies and specialized training programs in Ontario were developed around two central foci: 1) traditional policing concerns involving proper investigative techniques, evidence collection, documentation, and officer roles and responsibilities; and 2) emerging concerns regarding victim care, community relations, and commitments to racial and cultural diversity. Drawing on interviews with officers stationed at all five of the Service’s divisional locations, this paper shows how commitments to diversity embedded in the Service’s approach to hate crime exist along-side, and in conflict with, officer perceptions that see diversity as a source of the problem of hate.


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Author Biography

Timothy Bryan, Dalhousie University

Tim Bryan is a sociologist and socio-legal scholar whose primary research interests involve the policing of hate crime, race and racism, Canadian multiculturalism and criminal justice in Canada. Dr. Bryan’s current research examines the policing of hate crime by municipal police services, particularly the way commitments to racial and cultural diversity, and efforts to improve police-community relations inform the intervention strategies of police. Dr. Bryan has conducted policy research for the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police on law enforcement efforts to combat hate crime in Ontario, and has presented his findings to municipal police services in Ontario.


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How to Cite

Bryan, T. (2020) “Hate crime, policing, and the deployment of racial and cultural diversity”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(6), pp. 1193–1213. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1129.