The Observatory on Gender-Based Violence in Bizkaia (OVGB): An Experience of Good Practices
Observatory on Gender-based Violence in Bizkaia, Gender violence, Violence against women, Abuse, Data collection process, Indicators, BizkaiaAbstract
The Observatory on Gender-based Violence in Bizkaia (OVGB) emerged as an initiative of the Bizkaia Provincial Council (DFB) in 2003. It began to operate in 2004.
This Observatory has two main objectives:
· To understand the reality and evolution of the situations of violence against women in Bizkaia.
· To make recommendations and proposals to improve the services and facilities offered by public institutions in the field of gender-based violence.
Its work on compiling data on dealing with situations of gender violence within the social sphere, where there are multiple information sources, is of particular interest (123). Data gathering process coordinated by the Indicators Working Party.
Along with the information on a social level, the political and legal data make up a database providing a closer view on the care provided to this collective and the analysis of the evolution. This knowledge is used to issue recommendations as guidelines for public policies.
The work carried out can be found on the OVGB website:
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