Review of The Nature and Impacts of Noncompliance. Edvaldo Moita. Hart Publishing, 2023


  • Ihintza Palacín Mariscal


Palacin Mariscal reviews The Nature and Impacts of Noncompliance by Edvaldo Moita, a book that addresses a generally unnoticed phenomenon: the noncompliance with the law. Using the case study of street vending in Brazil as a starting point, the book provides key theoretical reflections about informality, noncompliance, and the rule of law. Not only do the readers get a glimpse of the nuances of the street vending activity in Brazil, but they also get to link this case study with broader theoretical discussions. The review inquiries into key elements of the book: noncompliance and street vending in Brazil (i), the different levels of compliance (ii), and the importance of arenas and space when examining noncompliance (iii). With its well-researched case study and its contribution to reflections on the theory of law, this book has paved the way for more research of the topic of noncompliance and informality in the realm of legal scholarship.


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How to Cite

Palacín Mariscal, I. (2023) “Review of The Nature and Impacts of Noncompliance. Edvaldo Moita. Hart Publishing, 2023”, Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies, 13(2), pp. 263–267. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2025).