Arquivos - Página 5
Law in the Everyday Lives of Transnational Families
v. 3 n. 6 (2013)Issue edited by Betty de Hart (Radboud University Nijmegen), Wibo van Rossum (Utrecht University) and Iris Sportel (Radboud University Nijmegen). -
Human Rights and the Environment: In Search of a New Relationship
v. 3 n. 5 (2013)Issue edited by Anna Grear (Cardiff University) -
Law, Contestation and Power in the Global Political Economy
v. 3 n. 4 (2013)Issue edited by Edward S. Cohen (Westminster College) and A. Claire Cutler (University of Victoria)
How many lawyers are too many lawyers: perspectives, context and place
v. 3 n. 3 (2013)Issue edited by Eyal Katvan (Ramat Gan Law School), Carole Silver (Indiana University) and Neta Ziv (Tel Aviv University) -
Disasters and Sociolegal Studies
v. 3 n. 2 (2013)Issue edited by Susan Sterett (University of Denver)
Ultima Ratio, a principle at risk. European Perspectives
v. 3 n. 1 (2013)Issue edited by Joxerramon Bengoetxea (University of the Basque Country), Heike Jung (Saarland University) and Kimmo Nuotio (University of Helsinki)
Papers resulting from the workshop Ultima Ratio. Is the General Principle at Risk in our European Context? held in Oñati on 2nd - 4th February 2012. -
Investigations - Investigaciones - Ikerlanak
v. 2 n. 7 (2012)Research papers by visitors and others connected with the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law -
Diferencias Invisibles: Género, Drogas y Políticas Públicas. El enfoque de género en las políticas europeas de drogas
v. 2 n. 6 (2012)Papers resulting from the workshop held in the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati. 12-13 May 2011 [+info].
Issue edited by Xabier Arana (Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Iñaki Markez (Ekimen2000) and Virginia Montañés (investigadora independiente). -
Critical Thinking Inside Law Schools
v. 2 n. 5 (2012)Articles resulting from the workshop held in Oñati on the 23-24th June 2011 [+info]
Issue edited by Raquel Medina (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Ulrike Schultz (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Private-Public Partnerships as new approaches to the Social Economy
v. 2 n. 4 (2012)Private-Public Partnerships as new approaches to the Social Economy / Los partenariados privado-públicos; nuevos enfoques en Economía Social / Pribatu-Publiko Partenariaduak, Ekonomia Sozialaren adierazpen berriak
Issue edited by Joxerramon Bengoetxea (Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal herrko Unibertsitatea), assistant editor, Gloria Totorikagüena (University of Nevada Reno)
Papers resulting from the Congress The Social Economy. Corporate Responsibility, Private Property & Partnerships. Workers' Rights and Cooperatives, held in the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, 6-8 July 2011. [+info] -
Corporate Responsibility: Towards the Social Economy
v. 2 n. 3 (2012)Issue edited by Sol Picciotto (Lancaster University, UK).
Papers resulting from the Congress The Social Economy. Corporate Responsibility, Private Property & Partnerships. Workers' Rights and Cooperatives, held in the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, 6-8 July 2011. [+info] -
Cooperatives and Collective Enterprise in the Social Economy
v. 2 n. 2 (2012)Issue edited by Sol Picciotto (Lancaster University, UK), Marta Enciso (Universidad de Deusto) and Saioa Arando (MIK, Mondragon Unibertsitatea)
Papers resulting from the Congress The Social Economy. Corporate Responsibility, Private Property & Partnerships. Workers' Rights and Cooperatives, held in the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, 6-8 July 2011. [+info] -
Master Works
v. 2 n. 1 (2012)This issue includes the best of the Master´s theses produced in 2011, those graded eximia or magna cum laude.
Autonomy and Heteronomy of the Judiciary in Europe
v. 1 n. 9 (2011)Issue edited by Joxerramon Bengoetxea (Euskadi) and Heike Jung (Germany)
These articles are mainly based on papers originally presented in the workshop The Oñati Process III on the Transformation of Europe - a Judge - only Justice?, held in the IISL, 17 and 18 June 2010. [+info] -
Ancianidad, Derechos Humanos y calidad de vida: Una cita entre generaciones, un desafío de este tiempo
v. 1 n. 8 (2011)Número editado por María Isolina Dabove (Argentina) y Eduardo Victor Lapenta (Argentina)
Estos artículos están basados en las ponencias presentadas originalmente en el workshop Ancianidad, Derechos Humanos y Calidad de Vida: Nuevos desafíos para la autonomía, la igualdad y la no discriminación en la vejez, celebrado en el IISJ el 29 y 30 de marzo del 2010. [+info]
El caracol en su laberinto: Migración y transformación social. El caso de los colombianos en Aragón (España)
v. 1 n. 7 (2011)Yulieth Hillón fue estudiante del Master Internacional de Sociología Jurídica. Este trabajo es continuación de la tesina de Master que presentó en el IISJ, y forma parte de la tesis doctoral que la autora presentó en la Universidad de Zaragoza. -
Current Socio-Legal Perspectives on Dispute Resolution
v. 1 n. 6 (2011)Issue edited by Masayuki Murayama (Japan) and Luigi Cominelli (Italy).
These articles are mainly based on papers originally presented in the workshop Current Socio-Legal Perspectives on Dispute Resolution, Oñati, 8-9 July 2010 PROGRAMME [+info] -
Democracy in a Globalised World
v. 1 n. 5 (2011)Issue edited by Joaquim Nergelius (Sweden).
These articles are mainly based on papers originally presented in the workshop Democracy in a globalised world, held in the IISL, 19 and 20 April 2007 -
Socio-Legal Aspects of Adjudication of International Economic Disputes
v. 1 n. 4 (2011)Issue edited by José Augusto Fontoura Costa (Brazil) and Sol Picciotto (United Kingdom)
These articles are mainly based on papers originally presented in the workshop Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Adjudication of International Economic Disputes, held in the IISL, 15 and 16 July 2010 PROGRAMME [+info] -
Los procesos migratorios: políticas y legislación en el marco de la globalización
v. 1 n. 3 (2011)Estos artículos están basados en las ponencias presentadas originalmente en el Curso de verano celebrado en el IISJ del 30 de junio al 4 de julio del 2008 [+Programa]