Sponsorship: a form of prostitution or a form of traditional gender relations?


  • Malgorzata Fuszara University of Warsaw



Mots-clés :

Sponsorship, marriage, gender


This chapter reviews data from earlier empirical research to consider the boundaries between the social position of women as indicated by their personal, family and sexual relationship. The monogamous or “good” woman has long been distinguished from the women who profit from sexual relationships often labelled as “prostitutes”. But there are new groups emerging at the borderlines of sexwork, in particular “sponsoring” whereby a man may provide a woman with full financial security in return not only for sex but for companionship in various activities related to work or entertainment. This paper asks how this role is perceived, as it includes elements of traditional marriage as well as traditional sexwork.


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Comment citer

Fuszara, M. (2018) « Sponsorship: a form of prostitution or a form of traditional gender relations? », Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(8), p. 1164–1178. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0986.