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Privatization as bureaucratization

Contracts, accountability, and uses of law in the privatization of French Prisons




Mots-clés :

Monitoring, Public-private partnerships, Outsourcing, neoliberal bureaucracy


Contemporary prison privatization has been the focus of many studies. While most research mainly looks at political factors and practical results, few have explored the organizational impact of outsourcing. Despite privatization being often seen as a sign of liberalization and deregulation, this article uses the French prison privatization example to highlight the connection between privatization and bureaucratization. Based on observation and interviews, this study makes three claims. First, it argues that prison privatization is a changing relationship between public and private sectors, leading to controversy over private accountability. Second, it suggests that outsourcing contracts create a new layer of law with public compliance officers becoming a new form of legal oversight. Third, it shows how these controllers enforce contract terms in their own interest, resulting in an adversarial legal culture between public and private services. The article concludes by suggesting a fresh approach to studying privatization using qualitative methods.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Nathan Rivet, CSO (Sciences Po/CNRS)

Nathan Rivet is a PhD candidate in sociology at the Center for Sociology of Organizations (Sciences Po/CNRS) and a temporary teaching and research fellow (ATER) in the Department of Social Sciences at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. His research focuses on the interactions between the state and private enterprises in penitentiary policy and the daily functioning of French prisons. He examines public procurement, public-private partnership contracts, and their links to organizational changes within public administrations. He has published in several journals such as Champ Pénal in 2022, with Anaïs Henneguelle for Gouvernement et ction publique in 2023. He has also been awarded the Young Author Prize by the Revue Française de Socio-Economie for an article published in 2023.


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Comment citer

Rivet, N. (2024) « Privatization as bureaucratization: Contracts, accountability, and uses of law in the privatization of French Prisons », Oñati Socio-Legal Series. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.2019.



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