Terrorist threats in the Basque Country: its impact over victim’s psychosocial sphere


  • Javier Martín-Peña University of Zaragoza
  • Ana Varela-Rey University of Barcelona

Palabras clave:

Terrorism, political violence, terrorist threats, psychosocial functioning, psychosocial consequences,


The cease of armed activities announced by ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom) has fostered a debate about the violence and victims, in terms of memory, justice or recognition. During these years, the violence perpetrated by ETA, has mainly been featured by attacks, bombings or killings. Besides these blatant aggressive behaviours, a low-intensity violence, based on terrorist threats over their targets, was also perpetrated in the Basque Country. However, there is a lack of evidence-based research about this phenomenon. This study investigates the impact of terrorist threats on psychosocial functioning in threatened people by ETA in the Basque Country. Seventy six targeted persons by ETA who experienced threats in the Basque Country completed self-report measures, which assessed terrorist threats and derived psychosocial consequences. Findings indicate relationship between terrorist threats and psychosocial consequences, with a strong impact on the close environment of the affected person. The implications of these findings are discussed. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Javier Martín-Peña, University of Zaragoza

Javier Martin-Peña is PhD in Psychology, and is currently assistant professor at Faculty of Social Sciences and Work at University of Zaragoza. He previously worked at the Faculties of Psychology and Law in the University of Barcelona. He is member of "INVICTUS Research Group", at University of Barcelona. His research interests principally include terrorist violence, psychological violence, harassment, victims of terrorism, and psychosocial effects, among others. His PhD covered a qualitative research about violence and terrorist threats perpetrated by ETA armed group over victims and threatened people in the Basque Country. He was Visiting Scholar at The International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT) in The Netherlands, and at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, (City University of New York), USA. Recent articles have appeared in Peace & Conflict, Spanish Journal of Psychology, Revista de Psicologia Social, Psicothema, and Work & Stress.

E-mail: jmape@unizar.es


Ana Varela-Rey, University of Barcelona

Ana Varela-Rey, graduated in Psychology by the University of Barcelona (2002) and in Political Science by Autonomous University of Barcelona (2007). She holds a Master degree in Psychosocial Intervention (2010) and is currently PhD candidate in Social Psychology and member of the "INVICTUS Research Group" at the University of Barcelona. She has been awarded with a PhD scholarship by the University of Barcelona. Her PhD dissertation deals with violence legitimation discourses and their implication in peace processes, and takes the ETA terrorism group in the Basque Country as the main case study. Her research interests include terrorism; political violence; discourse of legitimation; maintenance of violence and selection of the victims, among others.

E-mail: ana.varela@ub.edu 




Cómo citar

Martín-Peña, J. y Varela-Rey, A. (2013) «Terrorist threats in the Basque Country: its impact over victim’s psychosocial sphere», Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 4(3), pp. 507–524. Disponible en: https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/osls/article/view/290 (Accedido: 1 abril 2025).