The declaration of adoptability situation at a crossroads

Best interest and right to the identity of children in the face of the refusal to exercise motherhood. The paths traveled in Argentine jurisprudence


  • Natalia de la Torre UBA



Adoptability status, right to identity, interruption of pregnancy, anonymous delivery


This paper investigates a topic that is booming in Argentine jurisprudence: the declaration of the adoptability situation of children based on the informed, thoughtful, and autonomous decision of their parents -generally women who decide not to exercise their maternity– to give their child for adoption considering the obligatory gender perspective, in line with the rights of children. With this objective as a goal, the regulation of the judicial declaration of the situation of adoptability and the autonomous decision to give a daughter or son for adoption is synthesized, the exception being that the declaration in a situation of adoptability is not appropriate if a referent of the family of origin or extended family is able to take care of the child and its complementarity with the best interest of the child. At the same time, the paths taken in Argentine jurisprudence regarding the birth of children after hindering the legal interruption of pregnancy are critically analyzed.


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Author Biography

Natalia de la Torre, UBA

Abogada y Prof. de Filosofía (UBA). Profesora Adjunta regular de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones, Carrera de Abogacía, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (UNDAV). Docente de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Dirección de email:


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How to Cite

de la Torre, N. (2025) “The declaration of adoptability situation at a crossroads: Best interest and right to the identity of children in the face of the refusal to exercise motherhood. The paths traveled in Argentine jurisprudence”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 15(1), pp. 154–177. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1939.