The Symbolic Efficiency and the Symbolization

: Perspectives to Think the Judiciary Ritualization


  • Mauricio Manuel Garcia-Peñafiel Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles (Belgique)



Judiciary Ritualization, symbolization, symbolic efficiency, pragmatic


The article treats the question of judiciary ritualization in relation to the concepts of symbolization and symbolic efficiency specific to the psychoanalytic field and anthropology. It is therefore a theoretical contribution that sustains that ritualization in the juridical field would benefit from thinking pragmatically and not semantically to grasp its effectiveness. Rather than interpreting the setting of juridical ritual or the signs of justice with a hermeneutic approach, the article proposes the interest of grasping what is done through signs and words, the act that is accomplished. This act would be in the foundation of the efficiency of judiciary ritualization. The argument suggests that in a juridical process it is possible to say things with sentences, but also it is possible to make sentences with words.


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How to Cite

Garcia-Peñafiel, M. M. (2018) “The Symbolic Efficiency and the Symbolization: : Perspectives to Think the Judiciary Ritualization”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(3), pp. 324–345. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0944.



Penser le sens de la ritualisation (The meaning of ritualization)