The Judiciary and Parajudiciary Rituals

Conciliations and Arbitrations in the North of Africa (Algerian, Sudanese and Nigerian Examples)


  • Yazid Ben Hounet CNRS, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale



conciliation, Ritual, arbitration, Islam, law


This paper deals with examples of conciliation (sulh, in Arabic) and arbitration (tahkim, in Arabic) from Algeria, Sudan and Niger. The objective of this comparative analysis of rituals, in particular those opening and closing the conciliation and arbitration sessions, is to highlight their performative dimension, to understand the part played by spatial orientation, language, gesture, the mobilization of artefacts, etc. It aims also at understanding the significance of these rituals locally (in their context), as well as the myths to which they refer to. The ethnographic approach suggests that the ritual reinforces the practical and symbolic effectiveness of judiciary and para-judiciary action and contributes to emphasize the ideals that are shared by the groups involved.


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How to Cite

Ben Hounet, Y. (2018) “The Judiciary and Parajudiciary Rituals: Conciliations and Arbitrations in the North of Africa (Algerian, Sudanese and Nigerian Examples)”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(3), pp. 386–399. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0941.



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