Law in the Everyday Lives of Transnational Families: An Introduction


  • Betty De Hart Radboud Universiteit
  • Wibo van Rossum Utrecht University
  • Iris Sportel Radboud University


Transnational families, transnational legal process, migration, law in everyday life, legal consciousness, Familias trasnacionales, procesos legales trasnacionales, migración, derecho en el día a día, conciencia legal


In the introduction of this special issue on “Law in the everyday lives of transnational families”, we argue that in the socio-legal literature on transnationalism and transnational legal process, ordinary people as actors are missing. On the other hand, what is missing from the abundant literature on transnational families, is law, or are ordinary people. In this special issue, we look at how transnational families as legal actors are part of transnational legal processes and how transnational families meet with different types of legal rules that mingle with and influence the personal and private sphere of family life. We specific look at three issues that come up in this context: the power of law, how transnational family members use law and the role of networks and family.

En la introducción del número especial sobre “Derecho en el día a día de las familias trasnacionales”, defendemos que en la literatura sociojurídica sobre trasnacionalismo y procesos legales trasnacionales, no se contemplan las personas corrientes como actores. Por otro lado, lo que falta en la abundante literatura sobre familias trasnacionales es el derecho, o son las personas corrientes. En este número especial se analiza cómo las familias trasnacionales, en el papel de actores legales, son parte de procesos legales trasnacionales, y cómo las familias trasnacionales cumplen diferentes tipos de normas legales que atienden a, e influyen en la esfera personal y privada de la vida familiar. Específicamente, se contemplan tres aspectos que surgen en este contexto: el poder del derecho, cómo usan los miembros de las familias trasnacionales el derecho y el papel de las redes de conocidos y el derecho.



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Author Biographies

Betty De Hart, Radboud Universiteit

Betty de Hart is Professor of Migration law at the University of Amsterdam and Assoicate Profesor at the Radboud University Nijmegen. PO Box 9049 6500 Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Wibo van Rossum, Utrecht University

Wibo van Rossum is assistant professor in legal sociology at Utrecht University School of Law, the Netherlands. He studied law but his main interest is with the empirical study of law. His research focuses on the normative orientation of ethnic and religious minorities and how legal professionals deal with this diversity. He publishes in the area of multiculturalism and law, the legal profession, the recusal procedure, and human rights. In 2014 he will conduct research, funded by the Youth and Identity Strategic Theme of Utrecht University, in Religious and cultural identity markers for children in state interventions. The research is multidisciplinary; the team has lawyers, legal sociologists, a philosopher, a psychologist and a researcher from the humanities. See his personal website and blog at

Iris Sportel, Radboud University

PhD Candidate, Centre for Migration Law and Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen.


How to Cite

De Hart, B., van Rossum, W. and Sportel, I. (2013) “Law in the Everyday Lives of Transnational Families: An Introduction”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 3(6), pp. 991–1003. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2025).