Rethinking community participation
Continuities and Transformations of Participatory Budgeting in Spain
Participatory Budgeting, citizen participation, community development, public management, participatory planning, democracyAbstract
The evolution of participatory budgeting is a crucial topic for study, as it represents one of the longest-standing and most widely implemented participatory innovations over the past two decades worldwide. Spain, in particular, provides an interesting context for observing changes in participatory budgeting (PB), given its strong early development of this initiative in Europe. The objective of this study is to examine the current state of PB experiences in Spain, focusing on the institutional framework, participation rules, and the roles and opportunities for citizen engagement within these processes. To achieve this, we analyzed data from 297 municipal PB experiences. The findings reveal a significant expansion of PB, although the duration of the experiences remains relatively short. Additionally, new characteristics emerge in relation to previous studies, including the diversity of methodologies employed, the limited weight of citizen participation in the design phase, and the intensive use of digital platforms. The study also identifies continuity traits, such as the binding nature of citizen decisions and the need to comply with specific administrative requirements in order to participate.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Francés García, Marta Barros González, Andrés Falck, Rocío Pérez-Gañán, Sahsil Enríquez, Javier Ortega Fernández, Alicia Martínez Moreno

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