The evolution of transnational sustainability governance through a systems theory lens

From rejection to acceptance of business responsibilities for human rights




business and human rights, sustainable business conduct, rationality-based arguments, regulatory communication, regulated self-regulation


This article applies Luhmann’s systems theory approach to the argumentative dynamics of the processes and outcomes of key UN and EU initiatives during the decade 2002-2011 in regard to the development and acceptance of human rights responsibilities for business enterprises. That decade saw a change from rejection to welcoming of ideas on such responsibilities as a key social sustainability issue. Demonstrating the use of systems theory to empirical cases, the article shows how the systems theory perspective generates important insights on communicative aspects of a regulatory process towards a normative change in contexts with multiple and diverse interests at play in today’s legal order where the transnational character of many sustainability problems exceeds the nation state. The article fills a knowledge gap concerning processes for governing transnational sustainability issues, where the territorial limits of national public law and the weak private-actor coverage of international law pose challenges to conventional regulation.


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Author Biography

Karin Buhmann, Copenhagen Business School

Professor of Business and Human Rights, Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Address: CBS: Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark. Contact:


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How to Cite

Buhmann, K. (2024) “The evolution of transnational sustainability governance through a systems theory lens: From rejection to acceptance of business responsibilities for human rights”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(5), pp. 1227–1252. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1863.

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