Swedish trade unions and in-work poverty
A critical approach to industrial relations using Luhmann’s systems theory as framework of analysis
in-work poverty, Swedish trade unions, industrial relations, Luhmann’s systems theory, normative researchAbstract
This article aims to exemplify how Swedish social partners, especially trade unions, have addressed the issue of in-work poverty in relation to recent and influential changes of the Swedish Employment Protection Act. Applying a methodology where Luhmann’s systems theory is used as a framework of analysis, whereby social partners and trade unions are viewed as organisations that contribute to the production of communication within the autopoietic system of industrial relations. The empirical material analysed for the article, therefore, consists of written communications from Swedish social partners and trade unions, produced during the process of changing and adapting the new the legislation. The analysis shows that Swedish trade unions could be more ambitious and direct in addressing the issue of in-work poverty and that further research on this topic would be useful to assist the trade unions in formulating relevant strategies for the future.
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