Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality





online hate speech, inter-legality, internet governance, legal and non-legal actors


The contribution delves into some main implications of the current soft and hard legal framework related to the Internet governance for tackling online hate speech, from the perspective of legal and social actors based in the European Union. Given the dynamic constellation characterised by centripetal trends towards UN-fostered international governance, Council of Europe and EU soft and hard legal instruments, co-existing with centrifugal forces of national legislations, the article explores how inter-legality may contribute tackling online hate speech in today’s fast changing and complex legal scenario. Hence, due to the lack of a universally recognised definition of hate speech and a global regulation of online communication, inter-legality may be operationalised in still unexplored places – that is, not only by judges but by lawmakers, independent authorities on communication, and even platforms.


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Author Biography

Barbara Giovanna Bello, Universitá degli Studi della Tuscia

Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy, barbaragbello@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Bello, B. G. (2023) “Tackling online hate speech from a European perspective: Potentials and challenges of inter-legality”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1376–1411. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1392.