Pressure on judges: How managerialisation and evolving professional standards affect judges’ autonomy, efficiency and stress




performance management, court management, professional standards, judicial administration, judges’ autonomy, efficiency, courts’ budgeting


In recent decades, many judicial systems have witnessed the "managerialisation" of justice—a phenomenon involving the application of private sector techniques to enhance court functioning. These techniques encompass engaging professional managers, reorganizing services, implementing performance measures, and adopting performance-based budgeting. Balancing these approaches with judges' professional standards, as independence and quality, raises critical questions. How does managerialisation affect judges' organization, autonomy, work quality, efficiency, and work-related stress? A survey conducted from June to December 2020 among first-instance judges in Finland, Italy, and the Netherlands, with distinct budgeting models, aimed to understand the impact. The questionnaire explored pressure sources, perceived stress levels, and mechanisms mitigating pressure and stress. Results showed significant differences in work organization, performance targets, and judge autonomy. However, similarities emerged in perceived pressure, work-related stress, and motivation. The study suggests that while not a panacea, managerialisation doesn't inherently increase pressure and stress. It may improve court organization, clarifying the interplay between professional standards and financial considerations.



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Author Biographies

Federica Viapiana, Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG)

Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG). Email:

Frans van Dijk, Utrecht University/European Network of Councils for the Judiciary/Netherlands Council for the Judiciary

Montaigne Centre for rule of law and administration of justice, Utrecht University, European Network of Councils for the Judiciary and Netherlands Council for the judiciary. Email:

Bart Diephuis, Netherlands Council for the Judiciary

Netherlands Council for the judiciary. Email:


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12-12-2023 — Updated on 20-12-2023

How to Cite

Viapiana, F., van Dijk, F. and Diephuis, B. (2023) “Pressure on judges: How managerialisation and evolving professional standards affect judges’ autonomy, efficiency and stress”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(S1), pp. S347-S385. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1672.