Caste in a new light

Jati in British multiculturalism




cultural differences, anti-discrimination law, multiculturalism, caste, jati, Bristol school, Ghent school


Advocates of multiculturalism claim that it supports the rights of cultural minorities and the public recognition of cultural differences. However, this article shows that this cannot be true of Indian culture as it has become transported to Britain, where multiculturalism actually poses a threat to it. Using the resources of the research programme of the Ghent School on the comparative study of India and Europe, this article substantiates this claim by showing how the dominant conception of cultural differences as well as the classical conception of the Indian caste system, which takes over the Indian social structures of jati, are both imported by multiculturalist thought and practice. The concretizing of multiculturalism in the form of anti-discrimination law is not only anticipated by a destructive politics of identity, but the law itself can be used to foster the destruction of Indian culture on the pretext of targeting the discriminatory caste system.


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Author Biography

Prakash Shah, Queen Mary University of London

Prakash Shah works at Queen Mary, University of London where he is a Reader in Culture and Law. He has an interest in several interlocking fields of law, culture, religion, caste, and migration. He has spent much of the past few years researching laws on caste discrimination. He was an awardee of the British Academy’s Tackling the UK's International Challenges grant for research network: “Designed to fail? Foundations of the laws on caste in India, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United Nations”. He is co-editor of the volume, Western Foundations of the Caste System (Palgrave, 2017).


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09-12-2022 — Updated on 01-02-2023

How to Cite

Shah, P. (2023) “Caste in a new light: Jati in British multiculturalism”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(1), pp. 156–187. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1333.