Welcome to McDenmark





digitalization, public administration, citizen participation, access to justice


Denmark is a pioneering country regarding digitalization. The Danish public administration is a clear frontrunner and has been submitted to significant changes. Contact between the administrative authorities and the citizens is predominantly digitalized and digital self-service solutions and automated decisions are increasingly used. Theoretically the point of departure is George Ritzer´s theory that societies worldwide are subject to a far-reaching process of McDonaldization, which leads to the implementation of the modes of organisation and production found in fast-food restaurants in other sectors in society. The theory of McDonaldization is applied to the digitalization of the public administration in Denmark. The article further explains the findings from a sample survey on specific digital solutions in Denmark and how the citizens perceive these solutions.


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Author Biography

Bettina Lemann Kristiansen, Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Department of Law

Bettina Lemann Kristiansen. Professor, PhD, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Email address: blk@law.au.dk


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How to Cite

Lemann Kristiansen, B. (2023) “Welcome to McDenmark”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1281–1297. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1353.