Resisting COVID-19 and raising voices from behind prison walls
Analysis of public letters from women in prison in Lima, Peru
Prisons, social mobilization, human rights, genderAbstract
Over the last few decades, an exponential increase in the prison population highlights the punitive turn that has led to a crisis in the penitentiary system and makes prisoners a vulnerable group for health emergencies such as the COVID-19. In Latin America, this vulnerability increases due to overcrowding and precarious living conditions inside prisons. This paper recovers silenced voices within the prison system. From a qualitative methodology, we analyze the claim actions of women prisoners at a prison in Lima-Peru during the first months of COVID-19. We identify that women deprived of their liberty position themselves to claim the State's abandonment from three self-identifying axes: 1. The sense of collectivity; 2. The resocialization process framed in the logic of prison categorization; and 3. Their role as reproducers of care. It is concluded that these are strategies for the deployment of agency and proactive actions of imprisoned women.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lucia Bracco Bruce, Adriana Hildenbrand Mellet, Ana Sofía Carranza Risco, Valeria Lindley Llanos

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