The eradication of institutional violence by dictatorships in the Southern Cone
The historical context as a key to resolution and impact on the case law of the Inter-American Court
historical memory, transitional justice, Inter-American Court, Southern Cone, human rightsAbstract
The article analyses the impact of the Inter-American Court on the transitional justice processes of the six countries of the Southern Cone after the dictatorship governments of 1970s and 1980s. The main goal is to determine the relevance of the reconstruction of historical contexts in the Court’s judgments regarding the eradication of institutional violence in de facto regimes. The study is focused on 10 resolutions, in order to identify their common features and determine the measures adopted by condemned States, especially those that involve structural and systemic reforms. This analysis demonstrates that the reconstruction of historical contexts, both state-wide and regional, in the judgments of the Inter-American Court has been a fundamental tool to extend the scope of its jurisprudence to the transitional justice processes of the entire region, beyond individual cases and convicted States.
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