Is there a “compensation culture” in contemporary Russia?

The role of liability insurance, non-pecuniary damages, and legal profession in personal injury litigation


  • Timur Bocharov University of Kent



Personal injury, liability insurance, Soviet tort law, compensation culture, non-pecuniary damages


This article explores current trends in personal injury litigation in Russia compared with the common law countries (the UK and US). In contrast to the British and American situation, there is no concern about the problem of “compensation culture” or “litigious behaviour” in Russian public discourse. The number of personal injury cases considered by Russian courts is not particularly high despite the growing number of accidents. This state of affairs can be explained by the influence of the Soviet culture of tort law. The most visible areas of the Soviet impact addressed in the article are liability insurance, non-pecuniary damages, and the legal profession. The article demonstrates the specificity of the Russian approach to these issues. The research is based on the analysis of judicial decisions on personal injury cases, court statistics, and expert interviews with personal injury lawyers. The findings are discussed from a historical and comparative perspective.


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How to Cite

Bocharov, T. (2021) “Is there a ‘compensation culture’ in contemporary Russia? : The role of liability insurance, non-pecuniary damages, and legal profession in personal injury litigation”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 11(2), pp. 557–589. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1141.