Humanitarizing mobility in Mexico
Central American migration as a humanitarian problem
humanitarianism, center American migration, migrant caravan, migration policy, MexicoAbstract
This article analyzes the process of humanitarization of Central American migration that crosses and resides in Mexico. Our starting point is the contemporary debates on the anthropology of humanitarianism and its relation to migration as an object of intervention. It aims to reflect on the changes that have occurred in the North American region and on how civil society actors are constructing Central American migration as a humanitarian problem. The fieldwork on which this article is based was carried out in 2019 and consisted of conducting in-depth interviews with the main NGOs that are in charge of humanitarian work in the state of Puebla combined with the observation of various public events. The analysis shows that the humanitarian discourse has been configured in an ambiguous way as it is built between the application of security and migration control policies and the humanitarian attention of the migrant population.
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