The Latvian direct democracy tools in a comparative European context


  • Fabio Ratto Trabucco University of Cassino



Latvia, national referendum, people’s initiative, parliamentary dissolution, recall referendum


This article analyses and compares the legal tools of direct democracy in Latvia and other European countries. Based on comparison, the author draws concludes the shortcomings of the legal framework of direct democracy in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. The author analyzes functioning of the direct democracy tools in Latvian practice and compares them with similar tools in other European countries, expressing his criticism towards Latvian legislation on the referendum and people’s initiative, finding that some mechanisms included in the Constitution are old-fashioned and ineffective. The article identifies actual shortcomings of the legal framework of the referendum and popular initiative both at the level of the Constitution and that of the law and makes suggestions for improvements of the mechanisms of direct democracy, particularly taking into account the experience of the other Baltic countries.


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How to Cite

Ratto Trabucco, F. (2019) “The Latvian direct democracy tools in a comparative European context”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(4), pp. 744–788. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1075.