Another law is possible
A biography – intellectual and militant – of the Colectivo Emancipaciones
Colectivo Emancipaciones, another law, ecology of knowledge, militant legal practice, CheranAbstract
This article brings together a series of reflections on the history of the Emancipaciones Collective, with the aim of proposing other ways of understanding the law as well as the possibility of building legal practices from militancy. The Collective was born in a critical academic environment. It has transcended this space, making theory inspire the construction of a professional subjectivity where the legal is understood as something intrinsic to the political, and a legal practice that is based on an ecology of knowledge. I present these reflections from my position as a lawyer and militant anthropologist, member of the Emancipations Collective, and I articulate them with the legal processes that we have carried out with the current Purépecha Municipality of Cherán, Michoacán, as well as with certain readings and discussions that together with these processes have marked the course of the history and action of the Collective.
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