Feminist disputes over abortion regulation in Argentina
Feminist lawyering facing conservative resistances in the judicial process T.S. (2000): ultrasound, fetal visualization and production of juridical discourse
Abortion, the power of law, feminist lawyering, conservatism, feminist socio-legal studiesAbstract
From a feminist socio-juridical approach, in this research work I investigate the judicial process T.S. assuming that it constitutes an institutionalized site of disputes over the discursive configuration of abortion. T.S. involved Silvia, a woman with a pregnancy diagnosis of an anencephalic fetus who, faced with the refusal of the medical professionals to perform the interruption of the pregnancy in the health system and the request for a court order, initiated a judicial process of amparo in the courts of the city of Buenos Aires with the sponsorship of the lawyers of the foundation Unos con Otros in the year 2000. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ruled the judicial process T.S. in the year 2001. From the discourse analysis of the documents of the judicial process and of in-depth interviews I study how abortion was discursively configured in this judicial process.
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