Diversity or Displacement?
Housing capital and the right to place
Housing, gentrification, debt, capital, social rightsAbstract
Increasing costs of housing and processes of gentrification are excluding poorer people from convenient areas of cities where they have traditionally lived. This paper responds to the loss of diversity being experienced in part of inner western of Sydney which has been a first home for successive waves of immigrants. It considers claims to various rights and forms of capital as a possible foundation of resistance to gentrification and the commodification of housing, and for their potential to promote egalitarian participation in urban life more generally. It asks whether there is any sense in which residents of a neighbourhood can assert a right to place. In conclusion, the interaction between rights and forms of capital is seen to be mediated by exchange and contestation. These concepts will be used to examine some of the social, political and economic means for promoting claims to cultural rights and the primacy of housing’'s use value.
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