Impunity as a sanctuary




impunity, sanctuary, state crime, legal system


Impunity as a sanctuary refers to a situation wherein structures are constituted to prevent the legal system from reacting to criminal conduct. Focusing on the state criminality, this study examines the concept of impunity as a form of interference with the legal process. It also analyzes the continuities between the structures of power prompting criminal conduct and the lack of legal sanction. In this sense, the metaphor “sanctuary” shifts the main understanding of impunity as a problem that is exclusive to the internal operation of the criminal system to a wider constraint that supposes studying possible asymmetries of power from the legal system vis-à-vis other powerful actors. With this purpose, this paper considers a number of cases shedding light to structures of denial and obfuscation that allow to understand the particularities of understanding impunity as a sanctuary. 




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Docente investigador del Departamento de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad Externado de Colombia en donde actualmente codirige la maestría en Derechos Humanos. Su formación es como abogado con PhD en Criminología de la Universidad de Ottawa (cum laude) y PhD en Sociología Jurídica de la Universidad del País Vasco (cum laude), master en Sociología Jurídica del Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica (cum laude), y posgraduado en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario en la Universidad Externado de Colombia.

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