Focus and scope

Focus and Scope

The Oñati Socio-Legal Series (ISSN: 2079-5971) is an international peer-reviewed on-line journal which publishes work within the field of law and society. This is broadly defined to include work which makes a significant contribution to the understanding and analysis of law as a set of social institutions, processes, practices or techniques, using any methodologies and approaches from the social sciences and humanities.

The IISL and its journal OSLS take pride in their cosmopolitan and all-inclusive vocation, especially regarding production and dissemination of high-profile academic knowledge. English being today's main vehicle of expression of scientific knowledge, it is also our journal's main language. However, although a title, abstract, and key words in English are mandatory for all papers, OSLS accepts and encourages use of other languages as well - by reason of the IISL's origin and location, Spanish, French and Basque are the other three main ones.

OSLS publishes, among others, monographic issues of articles resulting from or related to workshops, meetings or other scientific activities, as well as individual papers.

Articles should normally be of 8-10,000 words, including title, abstract, and references.