Loiola Legal Clinic
A Project to Fight for Social Justice
legal clinic, social justice, service-learningAbstract
Legal clinics are a part of Law Schools that use a teaching methodology based on service-learning, with a twin goal: to make effective the learning of Law in its most practical dimension, while developing a commitment to society and service activity. The aim of Loiola Legal Clinic is to shape professionals committed to social justice by developing a committed legal practice, in which the student recognizes himself/herself as an agent of transformation, aware of his capacity to influence reality and transform it. To this end, we are building spaces of theoretical and practical training, oriented to provide a service to the community from the commitment to social justice, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of experiences and knowledge. We present the challenges and advances made in this path throughout the three years of life of Loiola Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law at the University of Deusto.
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