Law in the Age of Media Logic: an Introduction


  • Bryna Bogoch Bar Ilan University
  • Keith J. Bybee Syracuse University
  • Yifat Holzman-Gazit The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)
  • Anat Peleg Bar Ilan University


Law and media, justice and media, judicial nominations, trial by media, new media, politicization, Courts and legitimacy, Courts and images, judicial press officers, judicial public relations, media criminalization, Derecho y medios de comunicación


The eleven papers in this volume address a range of theoretical and empirical issues examined at the Oñati workshop, "Law in the Age of Media Logic." Several papers explore the politicization of the media's reporting of the Courts and of judicial nominations, and consider how this reporting affects public support of the judiciary in different countries, including Israel, the United States, and Canada. Several other papers assess the "trials by media" that play out in the coverage of the criminal justice system. These papers consider a number of topics, including the criminalization of firearms litigation, the tension between a free press and fair trials, and the social media depictions of criminal justice. Finally, several papers analyze the judiciary's public relations strategies, and examine the various institutional changes that shape the public image of legal systems today.

Los once artículos de este número abordan diversas cuestiones teóricas y empíricas tratadas en el workshop de Oñati, “Law in the Age of Media Logic”. Algunos artículos analizan la politización de los medios de comunicación cuando hablan de los tribunales y los nombramientos judiciales, y consideran cómo esta cobertura afecta al apoyo público del sistema judicial en diferentes países, como Israel, Estados Unidos o Canadá. Otros artículos evalúan los “juicios mediáticos” que se llevan a cabo en la cobertura del sistema judicial penal. Estos artículos tienen en cuenta temas como la criminalización de los litigios por armas de fuego, la tensión entre la libertad de prensa y los juicios justos, y la representación de la justicia penal que realizan los medios de comunicación social, y analizan los diferentes cambio institucionales que dan forma a la imagen pública de los sistemas legales hoy en día.



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Author Biographies

Bryna Bogoch, Bar Ilan University

Associate Professor at the School of Communication and the Dept. of Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies at Bar Ilan University, and co-chair of the Center for Media and Law. She has conducted research and written extensively in the fields of media and the law, and gender, language and the law, including a large-scale project on gender bias in the Israeli Courts. Her work has appeared in communications, discourse and socio-legal journals. School of Communication. Bar Ilan University. Ramat Gan. Israel, 52900.

Keith J. Bybee, Syracuse University

Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media at Syracuse University; Paul E. and the Hon. Joanne F. Alper ’72 Judiciary Studies Professor, Syracuse University College of Law; and Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. His most recent book is All judges Are political--Except when they are not: Acceptable hypocrisies and the rule of law. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Syracuse University. 321 Eggers Hall. Syracuse, NY 13244

Yifat Holzman-Gazit, The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

Associate Professor at the Haim Striks School of Law at the College of Management. She has conducted research and written extensively in the fields of media and the law, public opinion about inquiry commissions and the history of the land regime in Israel. Her work has appeared in legal and socio-legal journals. Haim Striks School of Law. The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) 7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd. Rishon LeZion, Israel 7502501.

Anat Peleg, Bar Ilan University

Director, Center for Media and Law, and lecturer at the School of Law, Bar Ilan University. Dr. Peleg was the senior legal reporter of the National Israel Radio for seventeen years. Her main research interest is studying the effects of media coverage on the legal community and the judicial process. She has published in media and socio-legal journals. Her most recent book is Open doors: The influence of the media on Israeli law (Tel Aviv: Matar). Dr. Anat Peleg, 14,Rahavat-Ilan. St. Givaat-Shmuel, Israel.


How to Cite

Bogoch, B., Bybee, K. J., Holzman-Gazit, Y. and Peleg, A. (2014) “Law in the Age of Media Logic: an Introduction”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 4(4), pp. 593–596. Available at: (Accessed: 29 March 2025).