Holding Onto ‘Too Many Lawyers’: Bringing International Graduate Students to the Front of the Class


  • Carole Silver Indiana University Maurer School of Law


Legal education, globalization, legal profession, Educación legal, globalización, abogacía


As U.S. law schools come to terms with the need for new sources of revenue, the role of international law students may be both central to survival and an indication of the challenges that arise from the presence of different tracks for students. In order to maintain and perhaps increase US law schools’ share of the global market for graduate law students, understanding what international students want is crucial to meeting the competition. At the same time, satisfying the goals of international students may require schools to embrace globalization and allow its forces to infiltrate their structures, activities and traditional approaches to educating lawyers.

Las facultades de derecho de EE UU coinciden en la necesidad de lograr nuevas fuentes de financiación, con lo que el papel de los estudiantes de derecho internacionales puede ser básico para su supervivencia y un indicio de los retos que surgen por la presencia de diferentes grupos de estudiantes. Para que las facultades de derecho de EE UU mantengan y tal vez aumenten su participación en el mercado global de estudiantes de derecho, es fundamental entender qué quieren los estudiantes internacionales. A su vez, alcanzar las metas de estos estudiantes puede obligar a las facultades de derecho a abrazar la globalización y permitir que llegue a sus estructuras, actividades y sistema tradicional de formar abogados.

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Author Biography

Carole Silver, Indiana University Maurer School of Law

Professor of Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and Director, Law School Survey of Student Engagement; as of January 2014, Professor of Global Law & Practice, Northwestern University Law School. Please send comments to me at c-silver@law.northwestern.edu




How to Cite

Silver, C. (2012) “Holding Onto ‘Too Many Lawyers’: Bringing International Graduate Students to the Front of the Class”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 3(3), pp. 533–560. Available at: https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/osls/article/view/215 (Accessed: 12 March 2025).