“Squatters”: The problematic constitutionalization of private property
Rule of Law, Human rights, illegal occupation, violation of rights, evictionAbstract
Within the framework of the Spanish Social Rule of Law there is the citizen initiative movement called “okupa”, which emerged as an initiative to promote cultural aspects with social commitment in unused private goods. But today it consists of its members occupying real estate permanently without the authorization of the owner. Faced with this situation, a regulatory framework has been consolidated with a guarantee approach, which implies that only in specific cases of violation of constitutional rights are immediate evictions proceed and when it comes to matters of private law, prolonged processes must be carried out that affect negatively to the owners of the occupied property. To critically analyze the “squatters” movement, a hermeneutical framework of the Social State is presented and the impacts that exist from there are described. To achieve this, a critical hermeneutic research approach based on qualitative methods is adopted.
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